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Patient Appreciation Day!!!

We’re Having A Celebration….

ITS EPIC “18” Patient Appreciation Day!!! 

Wednesday, January 17th, 2018 All Day Party!

At Broadway Family Chiropractic we’re planning for a MAKE IT BIG, EPIC HEALTHY NEW YEAR and pushing ourselves into great health and optimal wellness!  It’s a health choice!  Doesn’t it make sense to claim great health for your active lifestyle?  There’s no better way than to take care of the BEST TOOLS you have in your toolbox:  you NERVOUS SYSTEM AND THE SPINE THAT HOUSES IT!

We’ll be having food and fun throughout all adjustment times. For the New Patients, we have a discounted SUBLUXATION CHECKUP. Their first day exam including consultation, exam and DIGITAL xrays, IS ONLY $30! How’s that for a $235 “coupon”?

Remember, getting subluxations are like hitting the “potholes” in the road on your good helath journey! Chiropractic correction is key and learning how to avoid them in the future…well thats EPIC!

Call to schedule your appointment at 508-824-1700. Patients have a chance to win an awesome basket full of GOODIES! Refer as many family and friends you know that could use a chiropractic checkup!


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